
Why the UK belongs in the EU

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Latest Brexit News

Bradford rises to the occasion


Bradford kick-starts its adventurous ‘City of Culture 2025’ programme with two packed-out evening shows in City Park

The post Bradford rises to the occasion first appeared on Yorkshire Bylines.

18/01/2025 - yorkshirebylines.co.uk


Labour MPs Warn Rachel Reeves Welfare Cuts Would Be "Utterly Disastrous"

The government faces a backlash from Labour MPs if it decides to cut spending in areas like welfare in response to recent rises in borrowing costs.

18/01/2025 - www.politicshome.com


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Cost of Brexit So Far

Total cost to the UK since the Brexit referendum

According to the Bank of England voting to leave the European Union has cost Britain more than £440 million a week in lost growth since the referendum.

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Bexit Jig-saw

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